Friday, May 15, 2009

The Butterfly Effect, quite literally

So, it is true! About a million people descend on you and push and shove you around until you are squeezed between so many unknown faces. A system which is utterly chaotic but, surprisingly in order.People hanging out,vendors shouting,a snaking,winding ticket queue,people loitering around,dogs relaxing - all merge into one -The MUMBAI LOCAL TRAIN SYSTEM (yes, system is intentional here!). My first experience on it-awesome!!
I used to travel quite a distance and it used to cost a pittance.
The moment you step into the vicinity of the station, you are covered by milieu of people, even early in the morning and late in the night. I agree to those people who say that the city never sleeps.
Everything about the system surprised me. The ticket queue which was long but, surprisingly moved fast, the non-existence of an announcement board about the arrival and departure of trains from platforms yet each person moving on to the correct platform with purpose(!), each train coming loaded with people but still having enough space to queeze in more! I can go on and on. This reminded me of the James Gleick book I read- The Chaos. this is kind of chaos theory exemplified. one look and you see utter chaos but, if you observe carefully, then you start seeing order in this chaos. An age old system still at work!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Travel Blog

I have been thinking of doing this for a long time and today a friend's mail and some other mails told me to just do it. Got to note down my experiences and share them also.No, I am neither a frequent traveller nor an adventurous one at that. Just thought at least should talk about the places I have been to and post some nice snaps and also, tell how to get around the place.